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Danube-Pubsub CLI - Consume messages

The consume command subscribes to a topic and receives messages with support for different subscription types, schema validation, and message attributes tracking.

Basic Usage

danube-cli consume [OPTIONS] --service-addr <SERVICE_ADDR> --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION>

Required Arguments

  • -s, --service-addr <SERVICE_ADDR> The service URL for the Danube broker (e.g.,

  • -m, --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION> The subscription name to use for consuming messages

Optional Arguments

  • -t, --topic <TOPIC> Topic to consume messages from (default: /default/test_topic)

  • -n, --consumer <CONSUMER> Consumer identifier (default: consumer_pubsub)

  • --sub-type <TYPE> Subscription type: exclusive, shared, fail-over (default: shared)

  • -h, --help
    Print help information.

Message Output Format

Standard Messages

Received message: "message content"
Size: <size> bytes, Total received: <total> bytes
Attributes: key1=value1, key2=value2

Reliable messages

Received reliable message: "message content"
Segment: <id>, Offset: <offset>, Size: <size> bytes, Total received: <total> bytes
Producer: <producer_id>, Topic: <topic_name>
Attributes: key1=value1, key2=value2


  • Schema Validation: Automatically validates messages against topic schema
  • Large Message Handling: Messages over 1KB are displayed as [binary data]
  • Message Tracking: Tracks total bytes received and message segments
  • Attribute Display: Shows message attributes if present
  • Multiple Schema Types: Supports bytes, string, int64, and json schemas


Shared Subscription (Default)

danube-cli consume --service-addr http://localhost:6650 --subscription my_shared_subscription

Exclusive Subscription

danube-cli consume -s http://localhost:6650 -m my_exclusive --sub-type exclusive

To create a new exclusive subscription on the same topic:

danube-cli consume -s -m my_exclusive2 --sub-type exclusive

Custom Consumer Name

danube-cli consume -s http://localhost:6650 -n my_consumer -m my_subscription

Specific Topic

danube-cli consume -s http://localhost:6650 -t my_topic -m my_subscription


  • Messages are automatically acknowledged after processing
  • JSON messages are pretty-printed and validated against schema if available
  • The consumer maintains message ordering for reliable delivery
  • Connection errors and message processing failures are reported to stderr