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Run Danube Broker on your local machine

Start Metadata Storage (ETCD)

Danube uses ETCD for metadata storage to provide high availability and scalability. Run ETCD using Docker:

docker run -d --name etcd-danube -p 2379:2379 etcd --advertise-client-urls --listen-client-urls

Verify ETCD is running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                 NAMES
27792bce6077   "etcd --advertise-cl…"   35 seconds ago   Up 34 seconds>2379/tcp, :::2379->2379/tcp, 2380/tcp   etcd-danube

Configure and Run Danube Broker

Create and configure broker config

Create a local config file, use the sample config file as a reference.

touch danube_broker.yml

Download and run the Danube Broker

Download the latest binary from the releases page.

If you would like to run Danube Brokers in cluster, you need to upload the binary to each machine and use the same cluster configuration name.

Run the Danube Broker:

touch broker.log
RUST_LOG=info ./danube-broker-linux --config-file danube_broker.yml --broker-addr "" --admin-addr "" > broker.log 2>&1 &

Check the logs:

tail -n 100 -f broker.log
2025-01-12T06:15:53.705416Z  INFO danube_broker: Use ETCD storage as metadata persistent store
2025-01-12T06:15:53.705665Z  INFO danube_broker: Start the Danube Service
2025-01-12T06:15:53.705679Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Setting up the cluster MY_CLUSTER
2025-01-12T06:15:53.707988Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service::local_cache: Initial cache populated
2025-01-12T06:15:53.709521Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Started the Local Cache service.
2025-01-12T06:15:53.713329Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service::broker_register: Broker 15139934490483381581 registered in the cluster
2025-01-12T06:15:53.714977Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Namespace default already exists.
2025-01-12T06:15:53.716405Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Namespace system already exists.
2025-01-12T06:15:53.717979Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Namespace default already exists.
2025-01-12T06:15:53.718012Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: cluster metadata setup completed
2025-01-12T06:15:53.718092Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service:  Started the Broker GRPC server
2025-01-12T06:15:53.718116Z  INFO danube_broker::broker_server: Server is listening on address:
2025-01-12T06:15:53.718191Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Started the Leader Election service
2025-01-12T06:15:53.722454Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Started the Load Manager service.
2025-01-12T06:15:53.724727Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service:  Started the Danube Admin GRPC server
2025-01-12T06:15:53.724727Z  INFO danube_broker::admin: Admin is listening on address:

Use Danube CLI to Publish and Consume Messages

Download the latest Danube CLI binary from the releases page and run it:

./danube-cli-linux produce -s -t /default/demo_topic -c 1000 -m "Hello, Danube!"
Message sent successfully with ID: 9
Message sent successfully with ID: 10
Message sent successfully with ID: 11
Message sent successfully with ID: 12

Open a new terminal and run the below command to consume the messages:

./danube-cli-linux consume -s -t /default/demo_topic -m my_subscription
Received bytes message: 9, with payload: Hello, Danube!
Received bytes message: 10, with payload: Hello, Danube!
Received bytes message: 11, with payload: Hello, Danube!
Received bytes message: 12, with payload: Hello, Danube!


Ensure ETCD is running and accessible. You can check its status by accessing http://<ETCD_SERVER_IP>:2379 from a browser or using curl:

curl http://<ETCD_SERVER_IP>:2379/v3/version

Ensure each broker instance is running and listening on the specified port. You can check this with netstat or ss:

netstat -tuln | grep 6650

For debugging, check the logs of each Danube broker instance.


Stop the Danube Broker:

pkill danube-broker

Stop and remove ETCD container

docker stop etcd-danube
docker rm -f etcd-danube

Verify cleanup

ps aux | grep danube-broker
docker ps | grep etcd-danube